Thursday, November 18, 2010

They Were Flying Mother Nature's Silver Seed
To A New Home In The Sun

The title of this entry is taken from a line in a Neil Young song called, "After The Goldrush", from the album of the same name. It's really apropos for us in describing our new journey in the Airstream because it truly is taking us to our new home in the sun. We're making our way back to the warmth of the California sun with the ultimate goal of buying a small plot of land and building a hybrid home. The Airstream is our means to that end.

Through straw bale construction, active and passive solar design, wind energy, digging our own well and growing our own food - we'll create a small, energy efficient home that will allow us to live very comfortably off grid, without the pressure of rent/mortgage or monthly utility bills. This is our dream. Others are already doing it so I know it is within our grasp!

The image above is a photo of a hybrid home built by an amazing man named, Ted Owens who shares his knowledge of sustainable living and energy efficiency through a web site called,
"Building With Awareness".
If you have any interest in these things, then you really must do yourself a favor and check it out. There are multiple videos and photos on the site that describe the process of building such a home and Mr. Owens has written a book and produced a video documentary of the construction which is on DVD, both of which are available for purchase on the site.

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